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How We Got Here

There is a massive lack of true democracy in this country. Our politicians talk of the sovereignty of the people and the Claim of Right, but they seem unwilling to support real involvement of the people. We are forming the People's Assemblies to correct that and we invite everyone's participation in a nationwide forum.

Please join us and be heard.


Empowering the Scottish people

Assembly Hall

The People's Assembly
The People's Assembly belongs to you  Assembly groups are organised for each community council area and admins will supply a Zoom platform and chat group. Admins also ensure that discussion topics and relevant activities in your area are publicised and that communication with the community councils is maintained. The admins do not dictate policy - that is down to the assemblies themselves. 
As a member, you are not obliged to attend every meeting or to vote on every issue. You may choose how you wish to engage. All meeting information will be recorded and sent to all members. The purpose of engaging with the community councils is to ensure that you have a guaranteed right to be heard within the current constitutional structure. 

The People's Assembly and The National Convention

A National Convention is currently in the planning stages. The Convention will take place over a continuous series of meetings and will consist of representatives from civic society, politicians and the people themselves.

Voting in the forthcoming National Convention is on the same basis as for the local assemblies.   We will provide full video feeds of the proceedings and email updates. Each resolution will be put to a general vote and the results registered with the Convention.
Please read the important information in the voting section and complete your registration using the link below.

There is a registration fee of £2.00. This is a one-off. You will not be charged again. For details about this fee see the voting section.

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Please remember to pay your registration fee below.


Donations to Scotland Decides are greatly appreciated.

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